Defined Contribution Consulting

Defined contribution (DC) plans have grown to become the most commonly used employer-sponsored retirement savings vehicle in the U.S. Best practices and fiduciary duties are rapidly evolving as well — driven not only by DC plan growth, but also ongoing legislation and rulings and mainstream acceptance of behavioral finance.

Robust governance & monitoring

Marquette Associates provides defined contribution consulting services for more than 95 clients, from corporate, public, and Taft-Hartley clients to nonprofit and healthcare. Based on three decades of experience and research, the Marquette approach to defined contribution plan stewardship focuses on helping plan sponsors adopt a robust governance and monitoring framework. Marquette believes that DC plan sponsors must adopt a governance framework in which the depth and quality of the investment lineup is equally important as the maximization of participant engagement, plan design, and oversight of all vendors responsible for providing third-party services.

Marquette helps DC plan sponsors adopt frameworks that include:

Learn more about our defined contribution consulting services:

Download our DC Services Brief

Featured Experts

Kweku Obed, CFA, CAIA | Managing Director

Kweku chairs the firm’s defined contribution services committee and serves on Marquette's board of directors.

Linsey Schoemehl Payne | Chief Compliance Officer, Managing Partner

Marquette's CCO, Linsey serves on the firm's board of directors and co-leads the Sustainable Investing Group.

Matt Nowak, AIF® | Associate Director of Defined Contribution

Matt Nowak is the associate director of defined contribution for Marquette Associates and co-leads the defined contribution services team.

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