Asset Allocation

One of the most fundamental elements of a successful portfolio is a diversified asset allocation that fits client objectives. Portfolios should also accurately reflect client-specific objectives for risk tolerance, return goals, liquidity needs, cash flow demands, and investment policy guidelines.

Client specific & customized

Our asset allocation studies utilize rigorous Monte Carlo simulations and proprietary risk analytics to formulate customized portfolios that meet each client’s unique risk and return objectives. Portfolio structures are examined over a wide variety of macroeconomic conditions to identify long-term expectations as well as sensitivity to short-term market volatility. Rather than optimize on a single risk to determine a recommended portfolio, our model calculates a rigorous set of risk statistics ranging from market exposure to liquidity. Collectively, the holistic risk analysis combined with client-specific liability and cash flow information provides each client with a precise recommendation on portfolio structure.

Current client asset allocation studies are conducted as economic conditions change or client goals evolve. For new clients, asset allocation studies are typically included as part of the investment systems review.

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