David Hernandez Speaking at NASP Consultant and Manager Retreat 10/17
On Thursday, October 17, David Hernandez, CFA will be speaking at the sixth annual Consultant and Manager Retreat…
Friday, September 28, 2018
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Marquette clients – Please join us for our 2018 Investment Symposium to discuss the current market environment, emerging investment themes and investment stewardship challenges in the year ahead. In addition to our two keynotes, six flash talks will brief attendees on popular topics and encourage timely conversations with our investment consultants.
8:00 AM
Registration Open/Breakfast
8:45 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Brian Wrubel, President & CEO
9:00 AM
Opening Keynote
John V. Miller, CFA
Head of Nuveen Municipals at Nuveen Asset Management
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Flash Talks: Session 1
The Financial Crisis: A Decade Later
Nat Kellogg, CFA, Director of Manager Search, Managing Partner
Evolving Private Market Landscape: The Institutional Shift from Public to Private Markets
Derek Schmidt, CFA, CAIA, Senior Research Analyst, Private Equity
The Impact of Technological Innovation on the U.S. Equity Market and the Value Growth Continuum
Samantha Grant, CFA, CAIA, Senior Research Analyst, U.S. Equities
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
Flash Talks: Session 2
Getting “A” Share of the Chinese Market
David Hernandez, CFA, Senior Research Analyst, Non-U.S. Equities
Deciphering the Bond Markets: How Much Duration and Credit Risk Should I Take?
Ben Mohr, CFA, Senior Research Analyst, Fixed Income
Market Impact of Evolving U.S. Policies
Greg Leonberger, FSA, EA, MAAA, Director of Research, Managing Partner
12:00 PM
Keynote Luncheon
Richard H. Thaler
2017 Recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioral economics
2:00 PM
Union League Club
65 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Tel: (312) 427-7800
Discounted guest rooms available through 8/28
Business casual attire required. More information about their dress code can be found here.
On Thursday, October 17, David Hernandez, CFA will be speaking at the sixth annual Consultant and Manager Retreat…
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On Wednesday, November 13, Patrick W. Wing, CFA, CIPM will be speaking at the Pennsylvania Association of…
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