Marquette Speaking at Institutional Investor Private Credit Series 11/17

November 10, 2020

On Tuesday, November 17th, Marquette will be speaking at Institutional Investor’s “Private Credit Series: Navigating Today’s Private Credit” virtual program.

Derek Schmidt, CFA, CAIA, will be opening the day with the Chairperson’s Welcome, moderating a fireside chat, titled, “Private Capital’s Role in Helping to Rebuild the U.S. Economy with Benefits for Allocators – A Case Study of Rescue Financing,” and leading a discussion group following the fireside chat. The discussion will center on rescue financing, examining the demand for rescue financing following a crisis period and what opportunities may be available over the next 18–24 months to provide the liquidity solutions and rescue capital needed to support businesses that are struggling through the effects of the pandemic. While the Paycheck Protection Program, the CARES Act, Mainstreet Lending, and other relief packages were designed to and will help certain companies, not all will have access, creating plenty of opportunities to provide rescue capital to good businesses with too much debt.

Derek will also be speaking on a panel titled, “Allocator Panel Discussion: Navigating Market Uncertainty: What Are Investors Adding to or Deleting from Their Portfolios?” with several industry professionals. The panel will expand on ideas from earlier sessions and panelists will share how they are positioning portfolios proactively after months of dealing with the pandemic, market volatility, and the slowdown in economic activity.

For more information, please visit the event webpage.

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