On Tuesday, September 13th, Evan Frazier, CFA, CAIA will be speaking at Markets Group’s 8th Annual Great Plains Institutional Forum in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Evan will participate in a panel entitled, “Global Equities: Fundamentals will Dominate,” with several investment professionals. The panel will discuss global equity markets with a focus on volatility: In a market characterized by high earnings multiples, sharp market swings are likely to continue, and multiple expansion may become less of an investors’ friend. Stock picking may be at the fore as monetary support fades and fundamentals return to the forefront of investors’ minds. How can investors identify quality companies and navigate this uncertainty in the long term?
Now in its eighth year, the forum will bring together regional institutional investors and consultants with topics including asset allocation, alternative investing, and the outlook for financial markets and the global economy. For more information, visit the event webpage.
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