Frank Valle Speaking at P&I Fixed Income and Credit Series 2022

November 07, 2022

Frank Valle, CFA, CAIA will be speaking at the 2022 Fixed Income & Credit Conference series hosted by Pensions & Investments on November 15th in Chicago, November 17th in New York, and virtually on the 29th.

Frank will be moderating a panel entitled, “Looking Out on the Risk Spectrum: Where are the Opportunities?” described as follows: One of the biggest moves over recent years is the move into more esoteric strategies in the search for returns. Securitized lending, distressed and high yield have been some of those mentioned. This session will discuss where those opportunities are now and how allocators can access them.

The Fixed Income & Credit Conference will examine how current market conditions — monetary tightening, high inflation, and volatility — will affect allocations and returns, bringing together allocators and thought leaders to discuss practical tips and investment strategies to navigate the coming months. For more information, visit the event webpage.

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