Luis Sierra Speaking at 2024 529 Conference 9/30

On Tuesday, September 19th, Luis Sierra, CFA, will be speaking at the annual 529 Conference hosted by ISS Market Intelligence in Orlando, Florida.

Luis will be presenting a session entitled, “Structuring & Evaluating the Investment Lineup,” addressing:

  • Investment structure in philosophy and in practice
  • Defining key terms and differentiating factors
  • Investment types and management style trends
  • New asset classes, trends in selection, and review of fee types

The 529 conference brings together the entire 529 and ABLE ecosystem and includes critical conversation and debate surrounding the latest federal and state legislative developments, product enhancements, investment trends, marketing campaigns, distribution strategies, operational initiatives, consumer insights, and regulatory and compliance announcements.

For more information, please visit the 529 Conference website.

Sam Frymier Speaking at 2024 10th Annual GAPPT Trustee School 9/16

On September 16, Sam Frymier will be speaking on an educational panel at the Georgia Association of Public Pension Trustees (GAPPT) Tenth Annual Trustee School in Columbus, Georgia.

Sam will be joining the Investment Consultant Roundtable, which will bring together investment consultants from across the region. The GAPPT is a nonprofit organization formed to provide education and professional development opportunities to trustees and administrators of Georgia’s public pension plans. Subject areas span fiduciary responsibility and liability, board governance, investment acumen, and plan administration. For more information, please visit the GAPPT website.

Evan Frazier Speaking at Portfolio Summits 2024 Fiduciary Investor Central Summit 9/12

On Thursday, September 12, Evan Frazier, CFA, CAIA will be speaking at the inaugural Fiduciary Investor Central Summit hosted by Portfolio Summits in Chicago.

Evan will be moderating the “Diversifying Your Portfolio” panel, described as follows: The first principle of investing is not to put all your eggs in one basket. While this sentiment is valuable, it can be difficult to effectively diversify your portfolio when risk and return in each asset class is ever-changing. Hear from investors about how they effectively diversify their portfolios. Learn about what led them to each strategic decision and how they keep up with market changes.

The Fiduciary Investor Central Summit will bring together 100+ accredited institutional investors based across the Midwest for a day of insightful panel discussions, presentations, Q&A, and networking. For more information, visit the event webpage.

Patrick Wing and Sam Frymier Speaking at PSACC 2024 Annual Conference 7/23

On Tuesday, July 23, Patrick W. Wing, CFA, CIPM and Sam Frymier will be speaking at the Pennsylvania State Association of Country Controllers’ (PSACC) 2024 Annual Conference in York, PA.

Pat and Sam will be presenting a session entitled, “Tales from the Road: A Consultant’s Perspective.” The annual conference gives controllers, deputies, and their solicitors the opportunity to participate in roundtable discussions and receive training on various topics related to the responsibilities of the controller’s office and county government. For more information, visit the PSACC website.

Jack Sannes Speaking at CFNEIA Professional Advisor Education Series 7/16

On Tuesday, July 16, Jack Sannes, CFA, CAIA will be speaking at a Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa’s 2024 Professional Advisor Education Series event in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Jack will be presenting an overview of private equity and private credit investing for attendees. The Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa serves as a resource for attorneys, financial planners, CPAs, and other professionals to simplify giving for clients, recommend strategies, and help advisors connect with the community. Their quarterly series of complimentary charitable continuing education events brings together professional advisors around topics that will help to enrich their communities. For more information, please visit the CFNEIA website.

Marquette Speaking at PA County Treasurers’ 2024 Conference 6/13

On Thursday, June 13, Sarah E.R. Wilson and Brad Hampton will be speaking at the County Treasurers’ Association of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s 75th Diamond Jubilee Annual Convention in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania.

Sarah and Brad will be presenting “PA County Database Overview & Reassessing Portfolio Objectives” at the event, providing a review of the trends in county pension plans and funds, including actuarial assumptions & methods, investment performance, and funded ratios, followed by a discussion of portfolio objectives amid higher interest rates. For more information, please visit the event webpage.

Luis Sierra Speaking at NCPERS 2024 Trustee Educational Seminar 5/18

On Saturday, May 18, Luis Sierra, CFA will be speaking at the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems’ (NCPERS) 2024 Trustee Educational Seminar (TEDS) in Seattle.

Luis will be presenting, “Investments 101: Fixed Income & Public Equities,” described as follows: This introduction to fixed income securities is designed to provide trustees with the basic foundational knowledge of what types of fixed income (bonds) securities exist, how investors value these securities, and how to analyze their characteristics. This session will cover the various types of yield measurements used to compare bonds, how to measure interest rate sensitivities, understand the inherent risks associated with fixed income investing, and compare various fixed income investment strategies used by managers to achieve client objectives. This session will also provide a basic introduction to investment terms and understanding, “what is a stock.” The speaker will discuss different types of stocks as defined by their market capitalization and give a brief introduction to active vs. passive investing and how to select an appropriate benchmark for manager evaluations.

The National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) is the largest trade association for public sector pension funds, representing approximately 500 funds throughout the United States and Canada. The TEDS curriculum was developed to build and strengthen the basic foundational knowledge of pensions and governance. Designed to address the educational needs of new and novice trustees, this program focuses on investing principles, understanding actuarial science, board policies, and fundamental concepts that every trustee should know. For more information, please visit the event webpage.

Marquette Speaking at PSACC 2024 Spring Conference 4/18

On Thursday, April 18, Lee H. Martin, Ph.D. Patrick W. Wing, CFA, CIPM, and Matt Nowak, AIF® will be speaking at the Pennsylvania State Association of County Controllers’ (PSACC) 2024 Spring Conference in State College, Pennsylvania.

The group will be presenting, “457(b) Plans: Best Practices, Recent Legislation, and Retirement Planning,” an overview of retirement plans, board governance and best practices, how participants should approach retirement planning, recent legislation, and a case study example. The PSACC spring conference gives controllers, deputies, and their solicitors the opportunity to receive training on various topics related to the responsibilities of the controller’s office and county government. For more information, please visit the PSACC website.

Lee H. Martin Speaking at GAPPT 2024 Annual Conference 3/25

On March 25, 2024, Lee H. Martin, Ph.D. will be speaking at the Georgia Association of Public Pension Trustees (GAPPT)’s Fifteenth Annual Conference in Savannah.

Lee will join a session entitled, “My Service Provider Said What? Understanding Plan Terminology.”

The GAPPT is a nonprofit organization formed to provide education and professional development opportunities to trustees and administrators of Georgia’s public pension plans. Subject areas span fiduciary responsibility and liability, board governance, investment acumen, and plan administration. For more information, please visit the GAPPT website.

Kweku Obed Speaking at NYSIF 14th Annual MWBE Investment Symposium 3/7

On Thursday, March 7, Kweku Obed, CFA, CAIA will be speaking at the New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) Annual MWBE Investment Symposium held at New York Law School in New York City.

Kweku will be joining a panel on Private Equity at the Symposium, which serves as a key opportunity to reduce barriers, increase participation, and stimulate job growth for diverse financial institutions. For more information, please visit the NYSIF website.